Sterilize Medical Instruments

Sterilizing medical instruments is a vital part of a hospital’s day-to-day operations. The facilities that provide the best care find efficient and effective ways to keep their tools clean. At Jewel Precision, we develop products that improve the processes hospitals implement to disinfect surgical instruments and other items. In this post, we’ll discuss why it’s essential to sterilize medical tools and the practices that allow hospital employees to disinfect safely and sustainably.

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Why Is Hospital Sterilization Important?

It’s important for hospitals and other health care facilities to sterilize medical equipment so that they can care for their patients safely. Hospital personnel use tools on multiple patients every day across different departments of the facility. As a result, medical instruments come into contact with various bacteria and other harmful particles. Removing these contaminants requires methods other than a simple cleaning. A clean object may be free of visible residue, but sterilization destroys all microbes on the surface.

Sterilization is crucial because it is the best way to ensure practitioners resist spreading infection or disease to patients during treatment. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets stringent regulations for hospital equipment sterilization so that hospitals remain diligent in their care. Beyond ethical and regulatory necessity, hospitals should sterilize their medical equipment to protect their equipment from corrosion.

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The Best Medical Equipment Sterilization Methods

Hospital sterilization is essential, and there are a few practices that produce the best results. Here are four of the best methods for medical equipment disinfection.

  • Boiling: Placing medical instruments in boiling water for around 30 minutes will kill some unwanted bacteria and other microorganisms. While boiling can be effective, it can also damage metal utensils over time and may not eliminate all bacterial spores.
  • Chemical sterilization: Chemicals application is an effective sterilization technique that can kill many pathogens and other contaminants. Leaving items in bleach for 15-30 minutes, soaking them in 70% isopropyl for 30 minutes or applying other chemicals that clean without heat can yield effective results for heat-sensitive tools.
  • Dry heat sterilization: Oven sterilization can be a practical choice to sterilize metal tools and other equipment that can withstand high temperatures. After an hour of exposure, ovens will kill bacteria at around 340 degrees Fahrenheit more reliably than some other methods.
  • Autoclave sterilization: Autoclaves use steam, heat and pressure to break down particles and destroy microorganisms. This process is a safe, cost-effective option for hospitals, though it’s less ideal for heat-sensitive equipment. To receive the best results, use a sterilization case that houses equipment during the sterilization process.


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Sterilization Cases From Jewel Precision

Surgical equipment sterilization cases are an excellent tool for hospitals looking to improve their sterilization process’s efficiency. Sterilization containers are reliable and reusable systems that hold and protect medical instruments during autoclave sterilization. At Jewel Precision, we develop long-lasting sterilization containers using the highest quality materials to provide the most cost-effective solution for health care providers.

Jewel Precision offers multiple varieties, so browse our sterilization cases to find the best option for your facility. For more on how sterilization containers can benefit your hospital, contact Jewel Precision today!