How to Reduce Hospital Acquired Infections in the Operating Room

Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are preventable complications from surgery or other hospital stays. By creating and implementing infection-control measures, you can reduce HAIs in your facility in a cost-effective way, protect patients and save lives. Take steps now to make the changes throughout your medical facility, from the operating room to patient rooms, to make headway […]
Read MoreHow to Lower the Costs of Medical Equipment
In the health care industry, it’s paramount to find ways to reduce costs while still providing outstanding care. It is essential to adapt to rising costs and find sustainable ways to manage growth. Ways to do this can include rethinking costs, leasing medical equipment, reducing waste and updating software and equipment. Here, we’ll take an in-depth […]
Read MoreTips for Maintaining Workplace Safety in Your Medical Facility
Hospital Workplace Safety Despite their emphasis on health and wellness, medical facilities are considered some of the most hazardous workplaces in the country. There were 221,400 work-related injuries and illnesses recorded in United States hospitals in 2019 alone, equating to approximately 5.5 afflictions for every 100 full-time staff members. With so many annual workplace accidents, hospitals must […]
Read MoreHow Hospitals are Working to Go Green and Reduce Waste
Reducing Waste in Hospitals For hospitals to provide the best patient care, they must operate as efficiently as possible. Reducing expenses is a vital part of running an effective health care facility, meaning it’s crucial to implement hospital cost-cutting strategies wherever possible. Learning how to reduce waste in hospitals will ensure your facility operates at […]
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